The Sense of Community in French Caribbean Fiction
Celia Britton
Not Available
Patrick Chamoiseau
Maeve McCusker
The Noir Atlantic
Pim Higginson
France in Flux
Ari J Blatt and 1 more
In Stock
£98.55 £109.50
Abdelkébir Khatibi
Jane Hiddleston and 1 more
Michaël Ferrier, Transnational Novelist
Akane Kawakami
Antonia Wimbush
Beyond the Happy Ending
Kathryn Robson
Creole Cinema
Louise Hardwick
Rethinking Literary Naturalism
Ian James
Postcolonial Eyes
Aedin Ni School of Language Cultures Religions and 1 more
French Postmodern Masculinities
Lawrence R Schehr
The Reparative in Narratives
Mireille Rosello
Andy Stafford
Haiti Unbound
Kaiama L French Department and 1 more
Poetics of the Poster
David H T Scott
The Colonial Heritage of French Comics
Mark McKinney
Thresholds of Meaning
Jean H Duffy
Consumer Chronicles
David H School of Modern Languages and Linguistics and 1 more
Spatial Ecologies
Verena Andermatt Conley
£20.69 £22.99
Roland Barthes at the Collège de France
Lucy OMeara
Childhood, Autobiography and the Francophone Caribbean
Caribbean Critique
Nick Nesbitt
Contesting Views
Joseph McGonagle and 1 more
What is Québécois Literature?
Rosemary Chapman
V. Y. Mudimbe
PierrePhilippe Fraiture
Language and Literary Form in French Caribbean Writing
The Literatures of the French Pacific
Raylene L Ramsay
Decolonising the Intellectual
Jane Hiddleston
The Social Architecture of French Cinema, 1929-1939
Margaret C Flinn
The Social Architecture of French Cinema
Writing on the Fault Line
Martin Munro
Branding the 'Beur' Author
Kathryn A Kleppinger
Publishing Africa in French
Ruth Bush
Rwanda Genocide Stories
Nicki Hitchcott
Being Contemporary
Lia Nicole Brozgal and 1 more
Francophone Jewish Writers
Lucille Cairns
Muslim Women in French Cinema
Leslie KealhoferKemp
Is Theory Good for the Jews?
Bruno Chaouat
Queer Maghrebi French
Denis M Provencher
Nicholas Hewitt
The Colonial Fortune in Contemporary Fiction in French
Oana Panaïté
Architextual Authenticity
Jason Herbeck
Pacifist Invasions
Yasser Elhariry
Traces of War
Colin Davis
£72.00 £80.00
Vivre Ici
Alison J Murray Levine
Joseph Zobel
£27.23 £30.25
The Performance of Listening in Postcolonial Francophone Culture
Jennifer Solheim
Locating Guyane
Sarah Wood and 1 more
Catriona Macleod and 1 more
From Bataille to Badiou
Adrian May
Entangled Otherness
Charlotte Hammond
The Mauritian Novel
Julia Waters
Temporarily Out Of Stock
Migration and Refuge
John Patrick Walsh
Assia Djebar
Our Civilizing Mission
Nicholas Harrison
Maps and Territories
Joshua Armstrong
Roland Barthes
Thomas Baldwin
Beyond Return
Lucas Hollister
Revisionary Narratives
Naïma Hachad
The Reclining Nude
Emma Wilson
Making Waves
Margaret Atack and 3 more
Ruth Cruickshank
Postcolonial Realms of Memory
Etienne Achille and 2 more
What Forms Can Do
Patrick Crowley and 1 more
Exile and Post-1946 Haitian Literature
Contesting the Classroom
Erin Twohig
The Marais
Keith Reader
Absent the Archive
Lia Nicole Brozgal
Past Imperfect
Egalitarian Strangeness
Edward J Hughes
Life as Creative Constraint
Anna Kemp
From Menstruation to the Menopause
Maria Tomlinson
I Have Only One Language, and It Is Not Mine
Kaoutar Harchi
Alison Rice
Sex, Sea, and Self
Jacqueline Couti
Fishes With Funny French Names
Debra Kelly
Twenty-First-Century Symbolism
Nikolaj dOrigny Lübecker
The Topographic Imaginary
Ari J Blatt
Jean-Claude Charles
Martin Munro and 1 more
Fictional Labor
Jiewon Baek
Necrofiction and the Politics of Literary Memory
Mind the Ghost
Sonja StojanoviÔc
Sonja Stojanovic
The Zombie in Contemporary French Caribbean Fiction
Lucy Swanson
The French Atlantic
Bill Marshall
Eating Disorders in Contemporary French Women's Writing
Cold War Negritude
Christopher T Bonner
France's Memorial Landscape
Sophie Fuggle
Reconstructive Memory Work
Clíona Hensey
Quebec Cinema in the 21st Century
Michael Gott and 1 more
Out of This World
Refugee Afterlives
Ashwiny O Kistnareddy
Christopher L Miller
Performative Authorship
Kristen K Stern